I know I said I'd update frequently but I got lazy. Great start huh. I've already got a backlog of 3 beers I tried so let's get right to it. Not all the beers I review here will be something I've never had before. It'll probably be a mix of both and
Anchor Steam is a solid beer I hadn't had in awhile and decided to pickup a bottle last time I was at Buddy's. It was a Thursday night and I was watching the Olympics on TV and decided to grab myself a brew.
I poured it into a glass and it poured a reddish-copper color, looked tasty. I was kind of disappointed because there was no lacing on the glass and that's something I like to see in a beer. Might've been because it wasn't too fresh. I really need to stop sitting on my beers as long as I do but I like to take my time with them and not try too many new ones at a time. On the first sip, I got a sharp hop taste with a nice malty undertone and it continued until the glass warmed slightly. I know this sounds funny but I somehow get a steamy taste. As it warms, I started to get a fig/raisin flavor at the top of the tongue while the hops continued to dominate the sides of my tongue and the back of my throat. It finishes solid with a well-balanced, complex flavor throughout. This is a solid session beer, another one I recommend. This is something I would get a six-pack of and enjoy in an evening if I could.
It reminded me of the beer I had in Vegas last year. Tiny corner bar at the MGM actually sold bottles of Anchor and walking around the hotel with a great tasting beer in my hand and a god by my side was definitely one of the good experiences.