Been awhile since I posted a beer review. Not for lack of trying new beers but because I've just been lazy. Been meaning to get to this one and I guess as you can tell from the title I'm behind about a month on it. Oh well, at least you'll know to avoid this one for next year. Sorry for those I wasn't able to reach in time. This is the first and only Octoberfest beer I've tried so I have nothing to compare it to but I've heard it's a good style. I had it a couple years ago when I first got into beers and don't remember it being too great and this cemented that belief.
Had this one from the bottle at the bar after one of our softball games. Smell is decent. Smells very malty and doughy in the background. I'm picking up a slight spice/pumpkin scent too. Wow, taste is very light and tame, especially by Sam Adams standards. Decent malt up front and a tame wheaty aftertaste but I'm not picking up much else, I'll let it warm a little to see if it brings out more of the flavor. This beer remains unchanged throughout even after it warmed. Have to say I'm pretty disappointed with this offering from Sam. Probably the worst I've had from them. I'd say avoid it unless you really want to give it a try or to sample the style. This beer turned me off to trying more Octoberfests which it shouldn't because this is most likely a weak offering of the style (I'm hoping).
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