5) The Orange Box – I start the list off with a title that was released over a year ago on the 360. A really great value for the price since I was able to pick it up for $20 at Circuit City and it contains 3 different games along with 2 mini-sequel chapters to Half-Life 2. I am still working my way through the entire package but what I’ve played so far is enough to put on the list. Portal is one of the most unique games I’ve ever played and Half-Life 2 definitely deserves the critical acclaim it has received. Stay tuned for a full review of the game when I finish the whole thing but this is one to pickup if you can find it for the price.
4) Gears of War 2 – An epic game if I ever played one. Does everything better than its predecessor which is a great game in its own right. See elsewhere on the blog for the complete review. I will continue to get mileage out of this game at the various LAN parties we are sure to have throughout the New Year.
3) Smash Brothers Brawl – Quite possibly the game I’ve played more than any other on this list. I remember playing the bootleg at my house before it was released in the states and being in complete awe along with everyone in the room as I pumped up the volume and watched the intro video. I don’t think there was a dry pair of fanboy pants in the room. Then playing through the co-op campaign with Travis until 6 in the morning the night it came out. Smash Wednesdays were grand duels and I was fortunate enough to keep the title once in awhile against such severe competition. I still go back and pick it up now and then to play online with Anabel’s little brother and teach that Pika-spammer a lesson.
2) Shadow of the Colossus – The oldest game on this list released back in 2005 is still good enough to come in at #2. See the full review for this as well elsewhere in the blog but this is another game that just begs to be experienced. A rumored current-gen remake would be must own on day one.
1) GTA IV – What can I say about this game that hasn’t been said? Expansive game world, great characters, tragic story, and un-ending game play. It says a lot about a game when you can turn it on, play for a couple minutes without really doing anything and still have a blast. Beautifully designed city allows you to do almost anything you want. Want to be a player and have multiple girlfriends at the same time? Go ahead. Want to pick up chubby black hookers and pick what “service” they provide you then run them over when they’re done and get your money back? Knock yourself out. Want to just run around and cause chaos to see how many cops you can take with you to hell? Sure, why not. Want to jack a helicopter, fly to the highest building in Liberty City and jump to your glorious death? Be my guest. That’s just scratching the surface. Follow the story and you will be in for some great story telling from the beginning plus you’ll have fun along the entire way. In addition to all of that, Rockstar included some of the funnest multiplayer in any game I’ve played. You’re free to do all of the above with your closest buddies. Play a game of cops & robbers and you’re sure to have a blast. One of the best gaming moments I was fortunate enough to witness this year was watching Travis commandeer a car, pick me up, chase down a car of robbers and single-handedly take them out while driving. I could only watch this gaming god in awe with an open mouth and moist panties. With the release of bonus content early next year, I will eventually go back and replay the whole thing again.
Honorable mention:
Mega Man 9 – Great game that takes me back to the days of my NES. Definitely the toughest game I’ve played this year as I have yet to beat the entire thing. Pick this one up for $10 on Xbox live or Wii Ware.
Mario Kart Wii – Fun multiplayer game but still a letdown from previous iterations. Still worth enjoying with friends on one screen or over the internet every once in awhile.
Zack & Wiki – An innovative puzzle game on the Wii that was entirely glossed over in 2007 and I picked up for cheap as well. It’s very challenging and definitely a head-scratcher at certain points and a great game to play with a significant other. You definitely feel a sense of accomplishment when you finish some of the tougher levels. I played through most of it with Anabel but had stop abruptly near the end when we stopped seeing each other. I still plan to go back and finish the quest someday. Will possible post a review here at that time as well.
stackable storage cubes
2 years ago
I sadly haven't fully gone through GTA IV, but it is amazing. Love the beer articles. That's freaking pimp.
I love orange box. Portal is one of my favorite games to play all time
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