Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rush Limbaugh

Below is the first in a series of videos on who I believe is one of the most misunderstood men in America. Many people I've spoken to about Rush Limbaugh say they have strong feelings of dislike for him yet when I ask if they've ever listened to his show even once, they answer no. They make their decision based on hearsay and various 5-second sound bites that are taken out of context and trickled down to them. Take a few moments out of your day to watch these videos on a speech he gave to the Conservative Political Action Conference. They show why I admire him and listening to this may give you a different perspective on someone who is constantly labeled as a bigot and hatemonger. This isn't the same guy that's portrayed in the media. He pretty much sums up my political views and the conservative position as a whole. His speech outlines why I am proud to call myself a conservative and the great love I have for this country.

Rush Limbaugh Speech to CPAC

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