Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Anchor Porter

As I was getting ready to go out with my boys this past Friday, I decided to have a beer or two before I left the house so I could have my drink on by the time I got to the club. Opened my fridge and had a choice between crappy "drink just to get drunk" beer or some tasty stuff. Since it would be my first of the night, I decided to grab one of the good beers and went with the Anchor Porter. I made the right choice because this is one damn tasty beer. While caught up in the enjoyment of the beer, I completely forgot to take a picture but I was simply sitting at my house so there's nothing special that was missed. I just tossed in an old picture I found of me holding a beer with my sister in Dallas. If you imagine hard enough, you can picture me holding a bottle of Anchor Porter.

Thought about pouring it into a glass but didn't feel like washing dishes later so I drank it straight from the bottle. The smell was very sweet and malty. Sweeter than I was expecting. It could be because the last porter I had was a Smoked Porter and the last one before that was a couple months ago at Gingerman. Behind the upfront malt smell, I detected some chocolate, coffee and figs with the faintest of alcohol scents at the end. The first sip gave me a little more carbonation than I'm used to with this style but it dissipated quickly and gave way to a very nice, sweet malty taste that left a delicious roasted character behind. Accompanying the sweet malt was a pleasant caramel flavor, mixed fig and the requisite coffee/chocolate finish that was balanced off with the faintest of hop flavors. This is a very high quality porter. The sweet malt is what makes it stand out so much and you can tell that it is high quality malt. Still have yet to be disappointed with an Anchor Brewery beer. This is a very satisfying beer for those in the mood for a porter. I'd even venture to say that it is among the best porters I've had. It is well put together and is a complete package, a solid example of the style that would work great as a session beer if you're looking for a changeup to your typical session lineup. Definitely do not hesitate to pickup a six pack of this.

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