I was invited by friends to go out to Red Sands this past week. I hadn't been there in foreva and with the news that I'd get to ride some quads with beautiful folk, I couldn't decline. I grabbed a handful of beers from the fridge to see which mood would strike me while I was out there. Started off with the always reliable Sierra Nevada Pale Ale but as I reached for another, I was urged by a fellow quader to try the Victory HopDevil Ale I had brought along so she could partake in a sample of the sweet nectar as well. Of course I wasn't expecting anyone else with me to like it but I enjoyed this brew on an occasion like this. I think I may have tried this beer before because for some reason I had a hunch that I didn't like it. Since I couldn't remember too clearly, I'm glad I got to try it again because I was wrong about it.
This beer had a very nice grapefruity hop aroma with a bit of a kick to it from the hops. The more I smelled it though, the more I picked up on some sort of musty, earthy aroma. It wasn't a bad thing and was pretty interesting in fact. The first sip reinforced the grapefruit hop aroma as it overpowered the other flavors in the beer. The mouthfeel is great for an IPA with just the right amount of carbonation and a smooth creamy finish. The hops really give this beer a unique flavor compared to other IPAs. It doesn't have the piny, Cascade hops that most other IPAs have. A nice malt flavor comes out in the end but this beer is all about the hops as most IPAs are. As the beer warms, a little spicy character emerges accompanied by an alcohol kick that balances out this solid IPA. A surprisingly good beer. I always enjoy being surprised by a well tasting brew that seems to come out of nowhere. As I watched the sun set on the sand dunes, I again began to think about the future and how I would handle the curveball life had thrown at me recently. Beer always gets me thinking about life... Definitely pick this one up if you're a fan of IPAs.
I never think about life when i drink beer. That's my escape from life haha
Of course by think about it, I mean think about escaping it...
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